
Lol, ok. How do I make this better?

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So yesterday I got caught outside at two in the morning talking on my mom phone outside. My dad yelled at me for talking on the phone that late..and using my mom phones. My mom yelled me..cuz I called the person..the person didn't call me..weird yes I know. Since the minutes were free than. Either way. I dont know..My question is.

What can I do to make the sititaion better? I'm not seriously in BIG trouble.

But still.




  1. As the kid, you are in a situation where you aren't in control. No matter how much proof you have, there's no judge or jury to show it to. I know that sucks, but learning to deal with your parents rules even when they seem unreasonable is the first step to learning to be an adult, with bosses and the government and all kinds of unfair rules.

    So, what to you do? Well, a sincere apology can go along way. I'd start with your dad, since he's the one with a good point. Why were you on the phone at 2 am? It's okay, and actually a really good thing, to set some boundaries with your friends and boys. So talk to your dad and come up with a time you guys can agree on to stop calls - 10 is probably a good compromise.

    Now your mom. This one sucks, because her point is dumb - it shouldn't matter who called who. But maybe she's actually worried about something else, like the person you called. Does she think he's a bad influence? Or does she have some kind of problem with him? Just tell her you're sorry, and if she does have some kind of problem, you guys could talk about it. She's not going to like everyone you like, but she's got to trust you to be smart. (The other side of this is that you actually have to be worthy of her trust - if you're doing what she's worried about, then she has a point.)

  2. Is there something wrong with your parents? for real? ARe they mean or abusive or anything? I see your point--that seems stupid of them to get upset..

  3. If you were my kid I would mostly be mad cuz you were up at two in the morning.  Growing adolescents need their sleep!

  4. I guess you can tell them your sorry and do better things so they will give u your cell phone faster.I not really sure about this but give it a try.

  5. lol just apologize, seriously theres nothing you can do about it!!!

  6. honestly how old are you?

    If you are like over maybe 10 years old tell em to get over it &stop treating you like a little kid.

    common, especially if your the dnm minutes were free.

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