
Lol// is this interesting?whats up with this?

by Guest64671  |  earlier

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ok im a girl, and i like girls

anyway im quite androdgenous and dress like a guy in public usually, anyway i was with my straight guy friend (who looks quite g*y) and we thought it would be funny/cute ot pretend to be a guy couple, so we held hands and skipped thorough the one said anything to us, but i had been thinking, if someone were to call us the f word...i had it all plannd out to flip them off lol

anyway i told this to my friend and she said "i find it funny that your first reaction would be to flip them off rather then just saying that you were a girl"

LOL right?

anyway idk if i felt this way cause of my love towards g*y guys and my wanting to stand up for them, or me not wanting people to know that im actually a girl..maybe both?

you know?




  1. hip hip hooray for gender play!  

  2. It's fun to roleplay, I wouldn't think much of it.

    And I skipped through the mall once with two of my friends just for lulz, it was awesome :P

  3. Some people just dont understand gender play. It sounded like fun lol.  

  4. Sounds like an adrenaline rush....ooh, did you get high at the mall?! maybe youre an endorphin junkie like me....

  5. lmao

    well you WERE pretending to be a male, g*y, couple :P

    i'm amused either way :P it's cute

    or you could use the other f-word at them.. lol :P

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