
Lol the US wants to adopt Bolt?

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"Can we agree that Jamaica is pretty much kind of a part of the United States? Like a sunny, sandy, rum-soaked branch office or something?"

I take it NBC has no choice but to put the spotlight on Bolt now since Phelps is over and Bolt is dominating track, where an US athlete would usually have the the spotlight it wasn't as clear as it is that eh has no competition. (Greene, Gatlin, Jones in the past, would have been g*y now but he's out.





  1. That is the America way!

  2. Wait so your saying that they are covering the best athlete regardless of if he is an american or not, and that is bad????  But if NBC didn't cover him at all, you would say they aren't covering him, how arrogant is which should it be?   Bolt is the story of the track events and NBC is covering they should.

    EDIT: Wait you mean interview the winner's????  I don't know how much Olympics you've ever watched, but they ALWAYS interview the winners in glamour sports.  ALWAYS. and they have ALWAYS been foreign athletes who have been the "stars" of the games in America.

  3. Hope not, another excellent athletes will become a drug cheater if that happens.

  4. Haha I agree. With Phelps gone, we need something.

  5. Mr Keef

    Propoganda much?

    The point of this question is that NBC (you know, YOUR official Olympic broadcaster) is by this comment trying to claim Bolt as an unofficial US Olympian of sorts...

    Really quite sad... a bit like your attempt to twist the question:-)

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