
London 2012 or Beijing 2008?

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which one do you think will be better?




  1. Taking London's appearance at the closing ceremony (the double decker bus was amazing), I think it will have its own unique style.  Beijing was great and I think the opening ceremony can't be topped.  But that isnt what the Olympics are all about.  No one in a few months will ever remember these previous Olympics.  We have to move on.  Now, I think London will put on a spectacular show.

    PS Did anyone else see the mayor of London put his hands in his pockets during the Flag Passing?  It's ok because he took them right out.  Just wondering if anyone else noticed.

    PSS Beijing

  2. I personally think Beijing is better, as for the opening and closing ceremonies. It was fantastic! I read somewhere that London even said they couldn't top Beijing, as for the ceremonies wise. But for skills and talent, it depends!

  3. Beijing all the way!!  It will be impossible for London to top that!  The British are booooooring!!!!!

  4. London

  5. beijing. we rocked this year!!

  6. Hold on, Ill just get my time machine and get back to you  

  7. i think Beijing  is better

  8. there was nothing specialabout bejing in my opinion

  9. London 2012.

  10. London =);...

    help mee? =P  

  11. being British i should say london 2021 but personally i think beijing 2008 will turn out to be the better one they are a much bigger nation who probs spent a lot more money than we are going to spend and as the last couple of weeks in my opinion has proved has been an amazing success except for the lil girl that sang that was just mean xx

  12. Opening and Closing ceremonies: Beijing.

    Talent and skill: London.

  13. It's not a competition for god's sake! Each city that holds the Olympics puts its own unique interpretation on to the event.

    Does anyone really care if the opening or closing ceremony is spectacular?!?

    It's the organisation and presentation of the sporting events that counts!  

  14. London. But Sydney still beats them all.

  15. The closest London can do is match Beijing.

    I don't think they can top it.

  16. judging by what london is doing so far, beijing wins no contest, and i didnt remeber or watch anything from sydney olympics besides rowboating beijing was probably the best olympics ive seen  

  17. Beijing will be tough to top as for ceremonies London has there work cut out.. lets hope there is no lip syncing

  18. Beijing.  

  19. Definetley Bejjing!

    No one can top that it was awesome!


  20. At this stage you can really tell cos Before the china olympic were going to starteverybody was saying it will be rubbish cos the was so much political issues like human rights and pollution . But When it started it was really good .

    And everyone is saying London is going the embrass it self but when is starts London could be better than Beijing .

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