
London Chiropractor recommendations?

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I seem to have inherited my family back problems! I live in north London and work in the city, so if you know any good ones nearabouts that would be great. Prices would be good too. Thanks :)




  1. Don't know about London. But, you can contact one of the Chiropractic Colleges in Britain. Most of them have lists of qualified graduates and their locations.

    is one place you can request info.

    Don't let anyone put you off of checking out chiropractic for yourself. most detractors are people who know little-to-nothing about it. or who have had an unfortunate instance with someone. (All healthcare professions have their share of people who shouldn't be licensed IMO)

    I have been practicing for 12 years and have never hurt anyone or known of any of my immediate peers doing anything except helping folks in pain.

    Good luck

  2. You should be able to get names and addresses from the General Chiropractic Council Website.

    Recommendations are helpful as they treatment can vary considerably from 1 practitioner to another.

    If you can't find a recommended Chiro, I know some excelent London based Osteopaths and will happily give you a list of contacts if you mail me privately.

    Ps. If you wnat advice on Chiro's Osteo's etc. its best to take advice form people in the field or related fields.

    It's pointless asking someone who is anti altmed. Its Equivalent to asking a tramp sleeping under a bridge the best way to become a millionaire.

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