
London Olympics 2012 ????????? (((interesting question.)))?

by Guest67027  |  earlier

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Now does anyone at all think London will (bring/give/host) the world a better Olympics than Beijing did?? Or is the Beijing olympics just the once in a life time event that can never be beaten????

Because now that the olympics are over; London keeps talking sh** about china saying they are gonna host the olympics better than what Beijing did...




  1. Why do some people think that the Beijing games will never be surpassed in grandeur , Sure they have set a benchmark that will take a lot of beating but do not underestimate the British.

    And to tell the truth I do think the Londoners and indeed all of Great Britain have a good show of giving us a much better Olympics than the Chinese did.

    The Beijing games was a good show most of the times but to me it didn't have the "heart and soul " of a good Olympics.

  2. In my opinion, the Beijing Olympics were absolutely amazing to say the least. The chinese really showed off their fascinating culture with their immense preparation for these games. I was in awe of all of the Chinese behavior & culture, they seemed very welcoming especially to our Americans. The Opening & Closing ceremonies were one of the best international performances I have ever seen, which probably lead to to be the most watched Olympics in history. You could tell every American athlete was having the time of their lives over there, so were the reporters and analysis (NBC...did an excellent job...though sometimes awkward in interviews on competitors and exploring chinese culture, I call it hype and/or atmosphere) Anyway...  


    However, the investigation of the chinese gymnasts will left an unpleasant footprint in my memory. Also bunch of things, like the aroused suspicion happened that were inspirited, like the French swimming team talking trash;The wrestler protested his bronze medal; and how that athlete taekawando athlete kicked an international ref in the face. Not to mention the confirmation of the exclusion of softball in future Olympics, because of American domination, and to be ironically fitting, a non-American team brought home the last gold.

    (The IOC knows these games could have been carried out better, including the judges...)

    Sorry, about the excluision of names....I only know them by events.

    .......But anway theres another reason, actually WAY better REASONS why this will be one of the Olympics I will remember most...the American achievements theres sooo many, Phelps impossible feat(Swimming); Nastia & her father's dream came to be a reality, and the story behind it + how Shawn Johnson captivated America with her raw young talent, determination,her collectiveness & adorable smile (Gymnastics), May/Walsh & Roger /Dalhausser (Beach Volleyball) sweep & both the Indoor Volleyball teams, Womens Fencing Team, The Redeem Team(Basketball), Track 400m sweep, Womens Soccer, Bryan Clay in the Mens Decathlon, that women Discius Thrower... There is so, so many feats, and accomplishments that every Olympics bring for these imbreakable, determined, & spirited Americans watch is just sheer joy to watch.....For that, the thrill was not created only by the chinese hosts, but by our althetes, so they deserve an enormous thank you for putting on their well strived performances in which they dedicated their lives to represent first of all their country, then themselves... If you ask me some of these althetes can be the most selfless beings for those two weeks. The THANK YOU is more deserved, better yet required to the American Althetes than the Chinese hosts.

    Beijing's performance will not be a once & a life time thrill host, London will most likely have its memories, and should not be overshadowed by these games, nor should any other Olympics in history. The chinese will be unforgettable hosts, but it there are no medals in hosting Olympics. London is a different atmosphere, much like our own, so to you or any other American, it might be not as intriguing as the mysteroius chinese culture, (the advantage they had in hosting),but who knows London might be a better prepared, they might have better judging...You won't know til its here....

  3. Sydney is still better than Beijing Olympics. Cleaner environment, freedom of speech, great parties everywhere, and the highest attendants in all sports. Some say Athens could not match Sydney, but Athens did have a successful games doing differently from what Sydney did. Therefore, London will surpass Beijing with new ideas. Can't wait for London.

  4. It depends. But truthfully told, only the Chinese are able to preform with such order and symmetry. I'm not sure about London.  

  5. Every country is different - so I see it as London hosting an equality great Olympics just different due to different cultures etc...

    The Poms are just overly excited coz for the first time in history they actually did well at these Olympics!

    I personally think the Sydney Olympics were the most spectacular and memorable but im biased since im an Aussie!  

  6. If the bit they did in the closing ceremony is a precursor of what's to come I say they fail already. No offense to people who live in London but that performance was pretty bad. I think Beijing did an awesome job as far as the games and everything and will be a hard feat to pass. Let's see what they do if god willing I am still able to watch it four years from now.  

  7. London should be capable of delivering a decent Olympics but following the dreadful cultural display in Beijing I would be concerned.

    I also have to ask whether the London games will incorporate the citizens and cultural bent of those from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  I fear those groups will be lost amongst the tide of fervour that will be (and rightly so) evident in Londoners & Englanders respectively.

    I would hope that these upcoming Olympics are as much for all UK citizens as they will be for the athletes and the world at large.

    I guess we'll see come 2012 and as much as I hate the thought of losing anything to the 'poms' (being Australian of course) I do wish them well with the Games.

  8. beijing will always be the best to me, think about all the amazing things that happened, and all the records that where set!

  9. I think the London olympics will be better than the Beijing olympics, the actual games don't really get altered at all, do they?

    But the opening and closing ceremonies, I'm refering to. They will be english spoken and I will understand what is going on alot more, they are likely to have famous singers that I recognize, etc.

  10. One thing will be for sure! The air quality will be better! =D

    Beijing had a lot of money to throw around and a lot of minions to run around and keep everything in order.

    London will not have that kind of money.

    I think it will still be awesome though, it's the atmosphere, the safety of the people and the comfort for the Athletes that are important, not how good people can dance around and how great they look as they ponce around in the opening/closing ceremony.

    To be honest...I thought the opening ceremony at Beijing was boring. Like, yes it was amazing with the things that were involved like the amount of people etc. but yeah.

    And of course London is going to say they are going to host a better Olympics! What do you expect them to say!?? They want people to go there, not be put off.

  11. Let's just see, congrats to The Real rogue on getting to level six, your parents must be very proud.

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