
London Trains - Why do LARGE people try and fit in the middle of two people?

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What do you think about large people getting on the train and then sitting in the middle of two normal sized people knowing that they are NOT going to fit. As a result you have their fat *** sitting all over you like a human tidal wave ( it's not right )

Then the cheek of it is that they look at you like it's your fault there isn't enough room to fit their fat *** in the gap.

I think the train company needs to fit arm rests to each seat or start charging for two tickets.




  1. if there is a seat, they have every right to sit there, if you don't like it you can always get up and go somewhere else.

    Why should they charge for two tickets, if you are all sitting, that's fair enough.

    Next time you see a 'fat' person sitting on a train, why not squeeze yourself into the seat next to them.

    Don't take it personally, if there is only one seat available, where else are they going to sit?

    Stop being so racist, and get a life.

  2. lol that is so wrong, but yet so true, I am sure they feel deeply embarrassed though having to squeeze there selfs into a tiny seat, but they are not helping them selves by going home and drowing there sorrows in a big bucket of kentucky fried chicken!

    I watched a programme a while ago about obese people and how they were discriminated they took them to a theme park and they complained as they couldn't fit in the seat! then the tried out lots of cars to see if they could fit and they were saying a new car should be built especially for fat people, I don't want to be horrible but I dont think that we should do this as we would then be making obesity socially acceptable and it is not! not for vanity reasons but because it is not healthy to be so large, they need an insentive to slim down and they won't get it if society make everything bigger for them!

  3. If you moved to the middle seat, and let the larger person sit on the isle, they would have a bit more room and would not crush you! You instead try to leave the middle (less comfortable) seat for someone else, and then complain if that person sits there!

    If the seats were made for normal size people, rather than making them small so they can jam more seats in a train, there would be no problem.

    You have to deal with all shapes styles and types of people on public transportation. You should not judge others. Some people are larger than others. That is a fact!

    The idea of charging larger folks more is just plain wrong. How about we charge for overinflated egos, and judgmental people?

    If you do not like the train, buy a car and drive, take a taxi, or walk!!!

  4. Some people cannot help being fat (health probs or genetics) so it isn't really fair to charge them as two people is it? Or make them stand!

    Have a heart!!!

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