I started my vacation last week and I'll be here in London till Friday, August 1st. I'm staying at a hotel near the Bayswater tube station. You guys were right, it's pretty happening here. It has been so much fun but the American dollar is worthless. Next time I'll make sure I have access to more money or perhaps down scale my spending while in London.
So far, I've been to 3 plays, Stomp, Woman in Black and Billy Elliott. I really enjoyed Stomp, the performers have so much talent and the energy is off the chain. I went to Sway, 24 London and Rex night clubs. I would say they are all about the same as in NYC. Lots of fun!
Now, this is where it gets a little sticky. I have to tell you Londoners that many people here are very mean to outsiders, Americans. However, I realize that London is now a hodgepodge of people but it isn't the Brits who are unpleasant, it's the immigrants. I won't name nationalities but most people here have no manners and are not civilized. Why?