
London location stuff help haha x?

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Is buckingham palace near madam tussauds and the dungeon and tower bridge ?? x hehe im visiting for 4 days in november x

Please help haha x

Also are there cheap resturants or macdonalds near ?? x thanks lol x




  1. They're all in central London and close enough to get between them easily by tube or bus. You could see them all plus plenty more in a four-day visit.

    And yes, there are stacks of cheap restaurants, including McDonalds, all over town.

    Buckingham Palace is on the western side of central London, not very near any tube stations (it lies between Victoria, Green Park, St James’s Park and Hyde Park Corner stations). I'd suggest strolling down the Mall to the palace from Trafalgar Square (nearest tubes: Charing Cross, Leicester Square).

    Madam Tussaud's is on the northern edge of central London, (nearest tube: Baker Street).

    Tower Bridge is at the eastern side of central London (nearest tube: Tower Hill).

    Now... the Dungeons. Either you mean the Tower of London (in which case it's next to Tower Bridge -- see above) ...

    or the London Dungeons, which are across the river, on the south bank of the Thames (nearest tube: London Bridge).

    Here's a link to a handy tourist guide to all the big attractions, complete with tube map and attractions/transport map --

    Click on "download a visitor's guide to travelling around London".

    Hope you have fun here.

    Love from a Londoner born and bred.


  2. Think of it in terms of Tube stations. Get yourself a Tube map. Tower Bridge is nearest Tower Hill tube station, Buckingham Palace is nearest Victoria or St James Park stations, the Dungeon is nearest London Bridge station, Tussauds is nearest to Baker Street station.

    Don't know about cheap restaurants but if you want to eat at McDonalds, they are all over the place, just like in every city on the planet.

  3. Buckingham Palace is not close enough to the Locations you mentioned for walking unless your enthusiastic, however, London has a fantastic public transport system and everywhere is not bad to get too in the centre of the city.

    In 4 days you will see a great deal.

    If I was you then try this..

    1 Day you could take in London Dungeon, HMS Belfast (Historic World War2 Cruiser on the Thames), Tower Bridge Experiance (well worth the high crossing over the Thames) and the Tower of London.  All those attractions are together almost on both sides of the Thames.

    2 Day Take a Sightseeing Bus trip, many of them around that allow you to Hop On / Off all day, this will take you say to Trafalgar Square, along the Mall under Admiralty Arch to Buckingham Palace, then out to Marble Arch (ex sight of the infamous Tyburn Tree, but now a traffic Island) and up to Madame Tussards / Planatarium and maybe if you have time left a visit to London Zoo.

    3 Day take a trip out to South Kensington, there are 3 big Museums worth a visit, the Natural History Museum, Victoria and Albert (name is misleading as it has nothing really to do with them, its all about clothes, fashions, indoor furnishings, art and crafts etc) and the Science Museum. When you finish walk further up the road and you will come upon the Royal Albert Hall and the Albert Memorial in Hyde Park.

    4 Day Take a river trip to Greenwich or from Greenwich there you will find the Royal Observatory on top of Greenwich Park and the National Maritime Museum, some lovely shops, unfortunatley the Cutty Sark (Tea Clipper) is under restoration after the fire which nearly destroyed it, but close by you will find the Docklands light railway which will take you back towards London via Canary Wharf (Which is the banking sector of London and impressive for its new buildings) and finally back to the Tower area, walk back across Tower Bridge to the South side and head for the Tate Modern, South Bank Complex and maybe top off your stay at the London Eye and London Aquarium in the old County Hall Buildings opposite the Houses of Parliment.

    As for eating.  Most of the resturants are not bad in London, you have to be choosy though, the vest areas for eating on a budget I find are around Irving Street (Leicester Square with the Theatres) which quite often have a pay £10 eat all you want pizza / pasta, Chinatown area for eat all you want chinese specials.  There are others dotted around the area, but shop around for good deals. As for MacDonalds / Burger King etc, yes there are more Junk Food places around, as well as Subways, KFC, Kebab shops etc.

    Do not buy abything if possible from the street vender burger van / hot dog sellers unless you absolutley have to as the charges might  put you off for what you get and the food can be a bit dodgy.

    Have a great time.

  4. You're asking where McDonalds is in London which is full of NICE restaurants.   They're everywhere as well as Subway and KFC and other nasty American imports OK, I've calmed down...

    Buckingham Palace is on the Mall which is basically between Piccadilly Circus and Hyde Park Corner Tube stations, Madame Tussauds (tourist trap if you ask me but...) anyway is near Baker Street tube station.  London Dungeon is near London Bridge Tube / Rail station and Tower Bridge - well It's near Tower Hill tube station.  Get yourself a tube map and a travelcard and you're set to go.  If you want a cheap bite to eat, try a nice deli or sandwich shop rather than McDonalds or even better save yourself the £20 entrance to one of the tourist traps and go for a nice walk down by the Thames and visit a park or museum (which are all free in London).  If you do fancy checking out a nice restaurant in london go to  they've got restaurants for all budgets.

  5. Within 5 miles of each other.

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