
London olympics 2012.Gordon Brown says "pay £32"by law?

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he says each uk (england ireland scotland wales)MUST pay £32.00 each towards costs.whats your opinion?are you gonna complain?i am!!!!!!!!!




  1. Ill pay it.................. as long as they give it back! They earn back all of money through tourism, but i have as feeling they'll keep it dont you?

  2. Each UK what?  Citizen?  Truth is I don't have an extra £32... I wonder how he's planning on getting it?

  3. As long as EVERYONE does there part, don't complain.

  4. Tough one, if you had asked this a fortnight ago I would have said no way, but have watched the olympics this time (first ever) and have really enjoyed it, it makes such a change for the whole country to unite and support each other, maybe when we host the olympics it will be even better at bringing us all together.

  5. No.  Brown's putting us into a recession, so I don't see why we should foot the bill when we're under enough pressure with taxes already.
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