
London theatres 1920?

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London West End theatres and shows that were on in 1920.Also West End Restuarants in the 1920's





  2. Oh if only one had a time machine - - - - - the 1920's were a wonderful time to be in London - - - here are a  few bits cadged from Wikipedia to whet your appetite  ---

    "On September 11, 1901, the third theatre was opened as the Century Theatre, although the name reverted to The  Adelphi n 1904. This theatre was built by Frank Kirk to the design of Ernest Runtz. George Edwardes, the dean of London musical theatre, took over management of the theatre in 1908. In the early part of the 20th century, the Adelphi was home to a number of musical comedies, the most successful of which included The Earl and the Girl (1904), The Quaker Girl (1910), The Boy (1917), Clowns in Clover (1927), and Mr. Cinders (1929)."

    The Aldwych has always been a favorite due to its name (Old WItch) ---  --   here is a blurb  

    ?The Aldwych theatre opened on 23 December 1905 with a production of Blue Bell, a new version of Hicks' popular pantomime Bluebell in Fairyland. In 1906, Hicks' The Beauty of Bath, followed in 1907 by The g*y Gordons played at the theatre. In 1920, Basil Rathbone played Major Wharton in The Unknown. From 1925-1933, it was used for performances of Ben Travers's farces, also known as The Aldwych Farces. Members of Travers's company included Tom Walls, Yvonne Arnaud, Norma Varden, Ralph Lynn, Mary Brough, Winifred Shotter, and Robertson Hare. In 1933, Richard Tauber presented and starred in a new version of Das Dreimäderlhaus at the Aldwych under the title Lilac Time. From the mid-1930s until about 1960, the theatre was owned by the Abrahams family.[2]:"

    Naturally the Drury Lane Theatre was lively during the 1920's and the Duke of York Theater played host to Sir Basil Rathbone, "Many famous British actors have appeared here including Basil Rathbone, who played Alfred de Mussett in Madame Sand in June 1920, returning in November 1932 as the Unknown Gentleman in Tonight or Never.

    Then there is Garrick's Theatre ,   "In 1921, Basil Rathbone played Dr. Lawson in The Edge o' Beyond at the Garrick, and the following year Sir Seymour Hicks appeared in his own play, The Man in Dress Clothes. In 1925 Henry Daniell played there as Jack Race in Cobra and appeared there again as Paul Cortot in Marriage by Purchase in March 1932.

    ----  "

    And what would a visit to London be without visting the Savoy Theatre home to many of Gilbert & Sullivan's works "After serving in the navy in World War I, Rupert D'Oyly Carte decided to bring the company back to the Savoy in first-rate style and began to update and refresh the Gilbert and Sullivan productions with new designs, including Charles Ricketts' new designs for The Mikado in 1926. He also hired first Geoffrey Toye and then Malcolm Sargent as guest conductors, and Harry Norris and then Isidore Godfrey as musical directors."

    Enough - - - lend me your time machine...


    (as for eateries there was always 'the Queen's Grille,' and a place called 'Damian's.'
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