
Londoners: Who are you going to vote for as London Mayor, if anybody and why?

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Londoners: Who are you going to vote for as London Mayor, if anybody and why?




  1. Reluctantly I am voting for Ken, although I would like a change.  But we cannot risk that buffoon Johnson - he would be a disaster, and everyone I have spoken to agrees.

  2. Brian Paddick. He stood up to a gormless Metropolitan Police Commissioner (for the tragic Jean de Menezes) therefore, for such a courageous 'stance' (one white Copper 'confronting' another white Copper of Superior Rank upon an issue of sickening 'injustice') he deserves a 'fair stab' at the Mayorship. Our votes can do just that.

  3. Boris   as ken is rubbish...........

  4. I will vote for 'Mike  A.'  He gives me 3 square meals daily.

  5. i'm not voting, i dont see the point, there all the same bar one who is a clown!

  6. As an ex-Londoner I would vote for Ken Livingston every time. He fought and won against a smarmy self satisfied, self righteous Blair. He surmounted many critics. Although congestion charges are a pain although the Olympics planning is complex and problematical. I seriously contend that Ken alone has a firm grasp of detail. Has the interests of the majority of Londoners at heart.

  7. Boris Johnson. He is the only one to get us out of this rut.

  8. Definatley Ken. Anything to keep an idiot like Boris  out, but in truth rather we didnt have to have a Mayor anyway.

    I think Her Majesty could make a better job of it in the long run, off with their heads if anyone does not behave !!! LOL

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