
Lone mother and Queen, both living on benefits?!?

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A friend of mine who is a lone mother raising her children and who is on benefits, says she is getting the income to raise her kids the same way that the Queen got her income to raise hers: off the taxes of the people!

How much of this statement is true?




  1. its 100% where do u think the royals get their money they dont work for an employer!!

    To the guy below accusing her friend of sitting on her **** you try bein a single parent i bet you dont last five mins!! Single parents do a h**l of a lot more for their kids than what they queen did for hers - hers were prob passed to the nanny when they cried! Everything is beneath that lot!

  2. The fact is the Queen has worked incredibly hard for this country in her lifetime.  I wonder how hard your friend is working for the benefit of society.

  3. In a way I do actually have to agree with your friend and while I commend her for trying her best to raise a family on her own I think that she is using that example as an excuse not to work herself.

    Yes we do pay the Queen with our taxes but she does work hard in return for it and really how does staying at home to raise a child constitute hard work.

    And before anyone goes off on one on me for that statement, my sister in law is a single parent who is buying her own home and works 25 hours a week, she gets money from the government to enable her to afford child care and that is about it. So being single, raising kids and working can be done.

  4. The Queen is actually independently wealthy. She gets no money from the Government for her personal expenses. Her carrying out engagements and investitures is her job. She has no right to retire or refuse to work. She is a public servant like the the Prime minister, MPs, Civil Servants, etc.

    The Queen and Royal family pay tax on their personal income just like the rest of us. The Queen brings in far more money (in both foreign visitors and Crown Estates income) than she receives from the Government.

  5. The British Parliament meets much of the sovereign's official expenditure from public funds. The Civil List is the sum that covers most expenses, including those for staffing, state visits, public engagements, and official entertainment. The size of the Civil List is fixed by parliament every ten years; however, any money saved may be carried forward to the next ten-year period. Thus, the monarch's Civil List expenditure in 2003 was approximately £9.9 million. In addition, the sovereign receives an annual Property Services Grant-in-Aid (£15.3 million for FY 2003–2004) to pay for the upkeep of the royal residences, as well as an annual Royal Travel Grant-in-Aid (£5.9 million for FY 2003–2004). The Civil List and the Grants-in-Aid are paid from public funds.


  6. very different the queen rules the country what does your friend do?

  7. Yes no country likes to have Kings and Queens, because they and all their ancestors LIVE OFF THE PEOPLE’S MONEY. They are big spenders and thy do not earn this kind of living. The prime minister runs the country, just like in Spain.

  8. just what has your queen done to be classified as working hard? privelage and nothing else .you are not citizens but subjects .where is the equality there?royalty has no place in the modern is obsolete.this statement is not true because the value of the  benefits are miles the way steven g.who do you reckon has the flabbiest ****/

  9. As far as the lone mother on benefits is concerned, yes, she is living off other's tax money. But this is not entirely true for The Queen, as most of the answers below said.

    Check the following URL:

    It has all the details about the Queen's finances, how they pay taxes (not only Her's but even her family including Prince, etc). It even has the financial statments with details.


  10. and how many times has your friend represented this country? The queen may well have been born with an advantage but she does work for her cash and as of a few years ago she also pays the wages of her staff and taxes into the exchequer so oopps looks like your friend is all wrong as the queen gets her money from the civil list for actrually doing a job and being seen to do a job not sitting on her flabby *** like your friend

  11. Well the Queen works jolly hard for her money and entourage never lets anyone down and is over 80.  Single mothers could have taken the option to use contraception which is free, and go out and work as hard as the Queen, and rolling poor Dukie boy with her - last week I saw the poor sod carrying a bouquet of flowers.  But how can I be objective when they are relatives of mine.  Luv Horsefaced Camilla the First - s**+ t must get William on to that before Chuck wrecks the lot and I just couldn't kiss babies and talk to millions of people unless it was about f**s, gin and tonic and how not to get out of bed before 2.00 in the afternoon.

  12. Pretty much all of it, except the Queen didn't have to fill in all the paperwork that your friend did.

  13. Not much. The Queen earns her income from her job as Head of State and Head of Government.That's totally different than receiving welfare and not working.

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