
Lone parent, returning to uni?

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I separated from my husband last year and have 3 young children. I work full time but my line of work takes me away from home 60-70hrs a week with no option of part-time hours. childcare has become a nightmare, and I never get to see my kids, never mind having to come home to deal with the house single handed!!! My ex isnt alot of help. Ive always wanted to be a teacher and have got a place at Uni starting sept, which will mean I'l be on income support. Does anyone know what benefits, grants etc I could get. My local authority are being pretty vague, and I just need to know if i can financially support myself. Are any of you in a similar position. My husband is currently giving me no maintenance., and support from him will probably be zero until divorce court. Many thanks.




  1. I would suggest you contact your local citizens advice bureau as they will go a free benefits check for you and tell you exactly what you are entitled to for your exact circumstances. The advice is free and impartial and they'll even help sort out the form if needed. Good luck!

  2. i can't really help you, but i just want to say congrats on doing what you want!! you deserve you have any family or friends that could possibly help you out?

  3. I think (and this may sound silly) The Salvation Army could help with answers on this one.  They know a lot of resources.

  4. No, the same thing happened to me. My husband left me when I was pregnant with 1st child and 4yrs of marriage. I quit school to work full he left me with a baby, no job and no education...I ended up on welfare and WIC and school loans...I also worked but like your husband, my husband was an *** and didn't want to help me in anyway...he had no compassion, he just wanted to throw me out on the street like garbage...I was sooooo embarased and ashamed to end up on welfare but it was for a very short time until I could get on my feet,,,I was also working at the time...

  5. That's what this kind of benefits are for! I tip my hat to you. I've been thinking about going back to college myself and compared to you I have no excuse not to. You don't say where you live so it's difficult to help you look for options.

    Anyways good luck!

  6. So what if you claim some benefits for a while. good on you for having the strength to want to carry on with your career, I don't know alot about benefits but I am sure you should qualify for something. Your local citizens advice should be able to help you find out. I wish you every sucess with your teaching career, it must be so hard for you but you must be so proud of yourself for doing so much towards getting yourself and your children a secure future.

  7. You are doing what you feel is best for you and your family. I was in a similar situation a few years ago when i seperated from my husband. I have 2 children and was a stay at home mum so had to claim benefits when we split. I went into training and had to put 1 child in nursery and had to use after school clubs etc. You will get income support, which isnt a great deal but its enough to get by (keep thinking about the future). you will also get housing benefit or help towards paying your mortgage. you will get council tax benefit. nhs exemption certificates and you should look into what is available with regards to getting all your childcare paid for (will have to be registered childcare). you will get loan parents family credit so make sure you look into that as every penny counts. you can also, when on benefits get help to pay your tv licence by smaller amounts each week if you cant afford the full whack in 1 go.

    Hope this helps and good luck for your future.

  8. Well done you for doing this, it sounds like you have it really hard at present. the benefit system is there to help out people who need it at times when they need it, so use the information that the above people have given you and have a great life.

  9. You are entitled to a student loan. Contact your local council and ask for student services and an application form for a studen tlaon. You pay that back when you get a job. They will alos help you, the same people with a grant as a single parent, like £400 per term, dont have to apy it back, and also they pay I believe 90% of child care costs. Your university should also have a programme where they grant students that need help at the beginning of the year a 1 off grant. Typically a £1000 from donations for hard off student.

    GOOD LUCK!    

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