
Lonely Hamster Problem!?

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i started out with 2 Djugarian dwarf hamsters (grey with black stripe)

then they got romantically entangled and had 4 babies the babies were cute so i kept them they grew and began to get to horrible fights 1 lost his ear! so i put the injured one in a separate cage but all he was doing was sleeping in the corner and eating so i picked on of the other ones and put them in with him they got along pretty well... a little to well. 3 babies popped out and now i have 15 if i counted right so i gave them all except one to the spca but now the one whos left is not as hyped as he used to be. he lost his family :( im feeling sorry for him should i give him back to his family in the spca or should i get him a friend if i get a female ill have the same problem if i get him a male theyll fight

is there a way i can get him a different breed or a syrian so they wont fight or have babies

or should i return him to his relatives and get a syrian or will the same thing happen?

plz help he's so depressed




  1. i think that you should have seperated them according to s*x and they should all have been fine. syrian hamsters are not social. because of that,don't put it in with the dwarf. they WILL NOT mate. they will KILL EACH OTHER though.  

  2. Why don't you ask a vet about this?

  3. I would first..... get rid of all but the originals including the lonely one, but if you really don't want to get rid of him just buy a mouse,rat, or guinea pig and they'll be friends, but keep all hamsters that are of differnt sexes away from one another

  4. First of all  you need to be more responsible with your hamsters. It is not a good idea to mix sexes and have them breed. Now the spca have a lot of unwanted hamsters on their hands. Make sure next time that you get all males or females.

    Secondly dwarf hamsters are best kept in groups however they should be from the same litter. You should have kept two males or two females. Normally males become agressive after babies are born. You should have maybe had him neutered.

    You won't have the same problem with syrians because they are much more solitary and prefer to be alone. So I would go for a syrian next time. That way you can only buy one and they are easier to keep.

    Only other option is to go back to SPCA and one of the dwarfs but make sure its ANOTHER MALE. NO MORE BREEDING.

  5. put them in different cages. that way they wont beable to fight!

  6. Well If you are thinking about him a lot with how lonely he is, than return him back to his family. And get one that just needs you and not another hamster. Hope I helped.

  7. i think you should get him some thing to play with in his cage  to get him a little happy but if it does not work try to get a female and when they have babies give them away to close friends or relatives but if you will go the female thing you should ask around people if they need a hamster 1st so you will not have problems with the giving part but it's all some thing i just said you dont have to follow them if you dont like

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