
Lonely treefrog?

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i have a white lined green treefrog who is in a 120 gal tank all by himself i was jw on what other kind of reptiles or amphibians i cud put in there with him i would get more treefrogs but the local pet stores have quit selling them so are fire bellied toads and green anoles ok to put with him? what about a brodheaded skink? please if u have any suggestions help me out





    as a rule I try NOT to buy from pet stores.. you pay too much for poorly bred animals...

    you are better off to look for a breeder - pick up a magazine and look in the ads for breeders and get another tree frog..

    you DO NOT want to mix animals that need different climate/habits..

    tree frogs need tall cages, most others need long tanks.

  2. Maybe you could try a  hermit crab. or a small lizard that CAN'T eat him
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