
Long Car Trip!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Were going on a car trip that is about 4-6 hours. Were in an SUV with 4 people including me. I have no idea what to pack for the ride! Please help me out on what I should bring and what I should do.




  1. A 4 -6 hours drive is not really all that long...and an SUV is quite roomy, I don't see a problem.  if there are children involved, books, colouring books, games etc might be a good idea...some water bottles...but if you are concerned about being in the car for too long...a pit stop may be in could stop for fuel and make it a snack or lunch break as well...just to get some exercise and fresh air.

  2. Books to read, hand held games, music and earphones, snacks and a small cooler with water bottles or soft drinks.
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