
Long Distance LAN?

by  |  earlier

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My friend and I live 10km apart and we were wondering if we could network our computers to gether to file share and play games. Is it possible? Any help would be awesome.




  1. Generally, it's not feasable to actually have a LAN for this - though it might be possible to use microwave networking, but that'd probably excessively expensive for what you want... Alternatively, you can set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network) on the internet. This basically creates a fake "LAN" between some computers. You might want to take a look at or for a couple of different alternatives - hamachi is probably easier to set up... Hope that helps!

  2. yes! you can by using teamviewer. you can view the desktop of your friend and manipulate, you can file sharing, even the distance is 100000000000 miles. but they need an internet connection. try now dude and share to your friend.

    if you want licencse just send me an email

  3. A VPN is the cheapest and easiest way to go, however the setup can get quite complicated. Basically one of you runs a VPN server, and the other connects to it via it's public IP address using a VPN client (Windows has a built client).

    The hard bit comes to sharing the Internet bandwidth - with this setup, the VPN client has all it's traffic redirected to the server, and then out to the net. So the user running the VPN server has to accept all the bandwidth - not good for gaming. In order to ensure only LAN traffic uses the VPN and the Internet traffic uses your usual internet connection, you would need an off-box VPN concentrator (a Windows Server will do this), this then acts as a route to your extended LAN, while your computer has a configured route to your normal router.

    You would then need to ensure you have a dedicated port for your VPN concentrator to go out to so that it doesn't interfere with your net.

    Good luck ;)

  4. You might want to research more on WAN (Wide Area Network).
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