
Long Distance Relationships...?

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I'm struggling with feeling happy when i'm away from my boyfriend i just feel very empty all of the time. Can any help me or just give me some advice as to how they cope with theirs, any tips?




  1. My boyfriend is in the army and  for the past 2 years in was based in germany and then was in Iraq for 6 months. We worked and it made seeing each other even more special.  Now we live together and its the best in the world, he still has to go away and I do miss him loads but I know that we both love each other and knowing that when we see each other again how amazing it always is. We worked our relationship fine when he was in Germany and I believe if you truely are IN love with someone you can over come anything. Love is a powefull thing and when you have it you want to hold on to it forever. Ask yourself, do you love him and can you see yourself making it work? If you not sure maybe for you it wont work, just think hard about your life hunnie.

    Hope you decided the right choice.

  2. ldr's dont work  

  3. I have a long distance relationship and its hard work. If its really ment to be stick with it. we speak everyday and its good because i've been single for a while and hes just come out of a relationship so it gives us time and space to adjust. plus it makes it extra special when we do spend time together. i really dont know what to say about you feeling empty all the time - maybe just relax and find something to do - keep occupied..

  4. "Long distance relationships will kill you."

    -The Naked Brothers Band

    ...Anyway, this will be hard, but you need to fill your life with as many outside activities as possible. Keep yourself busy, and even though you will be likely to think of him on certain occasions, you'll be enjoying yourself with other things. Of course, absence makes the heart grow fonder, but time apart is good for both of you too.

  5. I had a long distance relationship with my husband when we were single it depends how far away your from each other and how many times you get to see one another my husband and I were almost 2 hours away drive time, but we saw each other every weekend, and during the week we would always talk on the phone every night until we went to sleep, then during the day text messages and emails until we got home to call each other. It is hard and some times your lonely and cant just see them when you'd like but it gets easier and you get closer with the phone calls at least for me we did a lot of talking and learned alot about each other not that we wouldn't have if we were closer but when you dont see each other all week and only have the phone and email you learn more about each other.

    Good luck and if your really in love you can get threw any thing together

  6. Boys dont feel the same girls do. Out of sight is out of mind for them. They are ready for any new girl that comes their way. So beware. Dont be fooled. Love and respect yourself, no one will love you more.

  7. im in a long distant relationship n they do work, jus see him as often as yu can and speak too him everyday everynyt it'l keep u happi lol umm depends on how much u feel for him and how much he feels for you, if u work at it, it will work and if the feeling is deep enuff it will wrk. and in a wai wen u ent seen dem for a while it feels so much more special everytym u see him.  

  8. To be brutally honest, Long distance relationships don't work most of the time. Believe me I tried. Me and my ex found each other again and tried to work it out. She lived about 2 to 3 hours away and I would go see her every other weekend and she would do the same. But seeing as gas prices went up it was really hard to see each other. It went from every other weekend to every 3 weeks to every month to not seeing or talking to each other anymore. We finally spoke to each other and both decided to end it. But hey. You never know what GOD has planned for you and yours. I hope you and yours figure something out to make your relationship work out.

  9. im in a long distant relationship too =)...and they do work don't listen to people saying they dont work just beacuse theres didn't dosn't mean others dont! lol (:  try and see him as often as you can and speak everyday wether its on the msn/e-mail texting or calling them (:... just think aout your future together, its worth it :)..and if you don't see him very often it just makes it more special when you do see him :) try and find thigs to do during the day to take your mind off it then when you begin too miss him just think it wont be long until you can talk to him :) it builds up trust too :)

  10. I know everyone's said it already, but long distance internet relationships have a habit of not working, if its internet, but in travelling distance it could, but not long distance! :)

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