
Long car trip?

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i'm going on a 7 hour trip, and i'm not allowed to have electronics... what should i bring to keep occupied?




  1. loads of paper and colours, haha, i dunno. ohh yeah take a really nice book trust me if you like it you'll forget the trip,

    read, naughts and crosses , im 100%sure you'll love the book!!!!

  2. maybe like a markers and a dry erase board , or just listen to music , and look outside the window and imagine that your dancing and everyone likes you , or imagine your future.

  3. books....

    books with puzzles....

    magnetic games....


    coloring books and crayons?

  4. Okay, one of the points of a road trip it to get to know the other people you are with, go to like a book store and get some car games  - there are some silly ones that are fun

    also, let everyong who will be in the car bring CDs and take turns playing them.  You will all have fun and get silly singing along with the music and talking.  Noting is better for a good talk then a silent car

    Have fun on your trip

  5. wow hmph, i dont really know what to tell you. that completly sucks tho. idk maybe bring a book. hahahjust like in the good old days before ipods.

  6. a drawing pad and a pencil. you could doodle.

               or a pillow so you can just sleep.

       hmm, what else... ooh, if your the girl to for manicures and everything. Get a hard surface(such as a hard cover picture book) and then your manicure stuff.

  7. a pillow

    a book


    travel size bored (board) games

  8. Books.  Magazines.  Some of those quiz books with the special pen to reveal the answer.  Mad Libs.  Deck of cards.  Pillow and blanket.  Puzzles (Crossword, Sudoku, Word Find).  Pencils.

  9. good book

  10. notebooks and pens ect. very entertaining, write draw and read...take books too

  11. o c** dats wack. i love to draw so i would bring a lot of papers and pencils bout you might not like to draw. iz always my sanctuary on a long trip. that and sleep. hmmm u might have to sneak an electronic and play it under ur shirt or something!

  12. crossword puzzles

  13. Hii some great things to bring to keep you occupied are:

    A magazine such as Seventeen

    A book to read like the Clique

    Maybe a journal to write in

    A sketch book if you like to draw, you can draw sights

    Bring some food to eat


    Hope this helps..*

  14. a few issues of cosmo!

    you wont get bored

    i also like to bring a notebook, and make lists of things i want to buy or things i want to do.

    like a to do list


  15. It depends what age you are. I usually get really carsick so bring gum and when I read in the car it makes me dizzy. Bring TONS of candy from CandyKitchen or sumthing, but trust me on the candy part. What I did on my 15 hr drive was well I was riding with a whole bunch of my friends and we just basically talked. This probably sounds lame but try name games or hand games. Have fun on your trip >.<

  16. books, good books

  17. CD's for the car... books... games like Apples to Apples [best game to play in a car trip]

  18. go get zombie survival guide and read it lol

    or start a book series

  19. LOL. just sleep in the car or something. Bring a good book if you're not ready to do that....maybe a board game if you have someone else to play with? Or, again if you have someone to play with, a notebook for tic tac toe or something....

    It's still gonna be hard with no electronics

  20. what about things like paper and pens, markers, and things to draw with or write with, or you could take some puzzle books if you like doing them things like crosswords, sodoku, fill ins, word search or something. other then that i can't really think of anything else.

  21. love

  22. No electronics how horrible maybe i would sneak stuff, not that you should!

    deck of cards/Uno

    board game


    Notebook- Doodling/ coloring/writing

  23. you should bring a pillow :]]

  24. a mexican viva la raza

  25. A bag of M&M's, a pillow and a good book. manicures in the car!  The odor of the chemicals would result in a lot of unpleasantness!

  26. noooooooo electronics....ur gonna die..

    well.if u like reading books..u can do tht

    carry lots n lots .of snacks...n drinks..with u..hmm watelse..

  27. card games

    crossword puzzles

    sudoku books

  28. should bring a book, cell phone, sleep, cards, little things like that or try a website on what to do
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