
Long cruises with many destinations?

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An acquaintance many years ago was on a 4-month cruise going to many places (not sure if it was fully "around the world" or not). I checked Expedia and the longest cruise is around 14 days. Where can I find information on longer, multi-month vacation cruises?





  1. A great travel website to book cruises is with "Amazing Tours and Travel".

    The following is a list of long cruises with the number of days and the departure port:

    Jan-Apr 08

    Days  - Departure Port

    84, 73  - Auckland, NZ

    70, 54 - Sydney,

    96, 69, 60, 55, 52 - Los Angeles

    71 - Miami

    53 - Hawaii

    65, 57, 54, 42 - Hong Kong

    66 - Tianjin, China

    42 - Papetee (near Bora, Bora)

    May-Aug 08

    67 - Venice

    54 - Coppenhagen

    43 - Monte Carlo

    Sep-Dec 08

    44 - Montreal

    82 - Dover

    56, 49, - Los Angeles

    48 - Venice

    47 - Vancouver

    42 - San Diego

    There are many cruises in the 30-40 day range available.

    The best way to get a wide variety for long cruises is under "#of days", select "over 10 nights".  On the next page on the left side click on "advanced search".  The only thing to change is the dates and under "sort by" scroll down and select "price high to low". and click on search.  A wide variety of cruises will appear.

    I hope this helps and have a great time on your cruise.

  2. P&O has world cruises that last 88 days (as in the movie) and 94 days. The only bad thing is that there are over 55 sea days and no overnights at all. Only 2 or 3 late sails.

    It does go all around the world, leaving from Southampton, which for me is the best port in the UK).

  3. check out

    Sorry I should have added look down the left hand column and click on Grand Voyages.

  4. A typical round the world cruise is about 100 days.  Many don't actually go all the way around the world.  They start on the east coast (New York or Florida) or they start in Los Angeles and head west (more or less), ending up in London.  Others do completely circle the world.

    These cruises are specialized (the person taking the cruise needs both the funds and the time for such a long cruise).  The best place to get information about these cruises is directly from the cruise lines that offer them.  Try the following links ...

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