
Long dark inner thigh hair???

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I am not that hairy in my arms. I do have dark hair and fairly light brown skin so you can see the hair up close but I have seen a lot women who have thicker and longer arm hair.

The problem: I have long and dark inner thigh hair! I don't really know how and why it started growing really long and dark. I have always had hair on my thighs but they were thin, shot and light before. i didn't have any in the inner part though. At first I thought the hair just got darker because I peaked puberty but I didn't think it would grow really long: it can grow till 1.5-2 inches.

It is really weird because in some parts, they are just random. Like in a patch of hairless skin, there would be 2 really long and dark hair. But is some areas, the dark hairs are more closer to each other.

I am 20 by the way, I started noticing this when I 18.

I have shaved some of my inner/back thigh maybe only once or twice but not all the area where the thick hair now grows. Now I try to pluck them. At first I though it would deactivate follicle of the weird random dark and long hair. But no! It didn't it just grew back! still dark and gets really long!

Could this be a result of hormonal imbalance?

Should I see a doctor?

Even those girls i know who have really long and dark arm hair don't have them on their thighs.




  1. Hey hun,


    I have the same problem I am 28 and it just started on my thighs, freaks me out too I am going to see my dr. I already had hormon tests done and they were ok, I now am getting peach fuzz on my face, nect, cheeks, hair on my right.....being a wemon in todays society is freakin hard.....geesh

    Go see your dr and find out what is going on. Mabey it is normal but better to check. Best of luck to you!

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