
Long distance SUCKS?

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There's this guy that I met a few years ago. He's related to my friend. So that's how I met him and he was just visting my friend and he went through her contacts and got my number.

We've been texting and talking on the phone every night and we're friends on myspace. And it's going really really well. And he told me he likes me and we get along so well. But there's one problem:: he lives in a different state.

I thought at first, "Oh, I'll just go along for the ride. I won't fall for him." But I've fallen..hard. Actually it's weird. I've never felt this way about anyone before. He's so amazing. Like I was thinking about how when I was a litttle girl and dreaming about what I wanted in a guy..he has every single quality in a guy I've ever wanted. :( :( But he lives in another state around 6 hours away!

What do I do? I like him soo much that it's pathetic. Long distance sucks!! Please help me? I don't know what to do.




  1. ahh girl i'm sorry. i'm there, Just try to keep it as just friends for a while, you know? if you do want to have a relationship with him, keep it as an open relationship. making it exclusive is too hard. and you don't want to worry about him cheating on you.

    I've been talking to this guy since october. He goes to college with my brother (about 20 hours away.. and they don't get to leave campus. He goes to West Point), and i havent seen him in like 7 months. we're always there for each other and care a lot for each other. i miss him so much that it hurts. If you don't want to go through a lot of pain, stay away from long distance relationships. but if it's meant to be, it will find a way to work. let it play out.

    oh. and i'm 16, he's 19.

  2. It depends -- how old are you?

    You may be crushing on this guy, but it's easy to make a long-distance guy out to be "perfect", because you don't see him every day to get annoyed with his habits and the way he blows his nose :-)

    Certainly, keep him as a friend -- a good friend -- but don't make it exclusive, and keep your options open in your own hometown.

  3. i kno how u feel... my "boyfriend" lives three hours away and i dont have alot of money to be driving down to see him anytime i want. and yeah i did the long distance relationship thing when i was 15ish.... he was 16 (same guy as now we got stressed and took a break for a year) it was tough, but we made it through total trust. a good relationship will work as long as u put everything into it. go for it. it is better to love and lost than to never love at all.
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