
Long distance affecting sprinting?

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I run XC and track. Over the summer we have xc practice 3 days a week which im now doing and i think its making my calves smaller..would this affect my sprinting in any way? This xc season will last until about november




  1. Your calves getting smaller is not the issue, large calves are not a prerequisite of running fast.  Typically it is because of running on your toes.  The issue is that you are developing your slow twitch muscle fibers.  If you practice long distance enough, your fast twitch muscle fibers will actually convert to slow twitch.  Muscle fibers do not go the other way.  Sprint workouts have been shown to benefit long distance runners, but almost conclusively long distance work will make a person a slower sprinter.  

    Good Luck!

  2. I also did XC and track and what I learned was that xc can do stuff for your body that track cant and vice versa so after xc is over rest for a month and start doing short distance runs to keep your body and mind set for track.

    Good luck!!


  3. Running long distance will affect your sprint speed. You need to continue to do speed work during the cross country season.

    If you do something fast one day each week you will not lose enough to really matter, and once you start track training you will be  okay.

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