
Long distance travel with cat?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to be traveling over 1000 miles with my cat, and I am wondering if there is anything on the market that you can install in a regular old sedan so that he will be able to have to whole back seat to himself, that will also prevent him from coming up to bother me while I'm driving.

Any other suggestions about traveling with cats will be greatly appreciated. He hates car rides and meows non-stop!

Thanks anyone and everyone.




  1. by a very very large dog crate, you can even put a disposable litter box in there as well and stop every so often to feed and water him the other thing is you can go to your vet and ask for some acepromacine, this will calm your kitty for the ride, they have some over the counter c**p, but it doesn't really work, my dog vomited with this stuff, so i would assume a cat would as well, good luck to you drive safely

  2. You can get a mesh crate for your kitty or even contact the vet and see if they can give you medicine to put him to sleep like they would give them if they were going to be going on a plane. Just be sure to stop and check on him when you can. Traveling that far with a cat awake will put a lot of stress on him. Hope I could help!

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