
Long distance truckers--how long have you been driving? What do you like/dislike about it?

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What's the best thing about being a trucker? What's the worst thing? What's your favorite stretch of road? Least favorite?




  1. A little over 5 years, and there's still more to like than dislike :).  

    I like the feeling of freedom, the variety, being able to make your own schedule for the most part, and hardly ever waking up in the same place 2 days in a row.  I like being able to visit friends in Florida and friends in Seattle and vacation in Vegas, without having to pay for air fare.  I like the beautiful places you see on a regular basis, that other people wait a lifetime to see.  I like seeing wildlife that I've never seen before, like buffalo, moose (not TOO close please) eagles, pheasants and antelopes.  I like seeing the farms where my food comes from.  I like learning how the commodities process works, to get things from their sources to your home.  I like the occasional free bag of fresh cherries or fresh-picked watermelon.  I like being able to wear my pajamas to work, and taking my dogs to work with me.  I even like being with my husband 24/7 (we get along well :).  I like having conversations with new people in new places, and finding out that they remember you, when you drop in to visit 5 months later. I like having my "house" right behind me wherever I go.....I can nap, make a sandwich, watch a little TV and keep going.  I like getting paid well for doing a job that doesn't really feel like a job 90% of the time.  

    I don't like dumb drivers, bad traffic, bad weather, shippers or recievers with attitudes.  I hate driving in the Northeast, pretty much anytime.  I don't like backing up into places not meant for trucks.  I don't like having to park in the back row, and having to hike a mile to the truck stop if I've gotta get a shower, or use the bathroom in the middle of the night.  I don't like having to use the bathroom when there's no where to park!  I don't like idiots who get on the CB and spew hatred and discontent.  I don't like being rushed, or going without sleep....which, thankfully are two things that happen very seldom where I work.  

    Favorite stretch of's a toss-up between I-70 across Colorado and Utah, and I-84 along the Columbia River in Oregon.  I also like US 97 in Washington north of Wenatchee.  

    Least favorite....I-95, hands down.  There just isn't any breathing room, there are always too many people traveling it, it's hellish during the holidays, and you end up in a bad place no matter which direction you go (Miami or New York, lol).

  2. My brother was a driver.  I went with him for a while.

    My likes where the things you got to see.  Although a lot of it was rural but its all good.

    Dislikes would be backin the ***** truck up lol.

    That and you don't get a lot of exersize driving all the time.

    In three months i put on like 10 pounds. Like seriously rediculous. haha

  3. 4yrs experience as of jan 12th, all with the same company, 3.5yrs of that on a dedicated account.  Been to 48 out of 50 states & Ontario, Canada, twice

    Likes-No boss looking over your shoulder (he has to call or check satcom, if there is an issue or concern), Seeing places I only dreamed about, Meeting some awesome friends that I wouldn't trade for the world, Learning about myself, Good pay & benefits (average over $40K/yr & have full insurance coverage) & Opportunity to move within the industry if I desire (for example, regional to dedicated, etc.)

    Dislikes-Definitely being away from home for weeks at a time, Customers who want drivers to be on time for their appointments, but lack manpower &/or facilities to get you back out on the road in a reasonable amount of time, Sitting too long (wheels have to turn to make money), Working a load broker who is notorius for not coordinating appointment times between drivers & customers (Load information said 0800, but customer expected me at 1000), Traffic that doesn't understand why you need extra space to move or stop, & Not having enough safe convenient parking in some parts of the country between 6pm & 4am  

    Best thing is the freedom of no boss constantly looking over your shoulder.  Worst is the rules & regulations that govern our lives.

    Fav stretch of road-love most state & US routes that are trucker friendly, but the road home is the best

    Least-anywhere within I287 in NJ & NY, Boston area, due to lack of safe parking & streets not designed for commercial vehicles,

  4. I've been driving for a few years. The Likes out way the dislikes by far.

    Likes - Get to see the country, money is good, sense of freedom, the team work, the people I meet, this list can go on and on.

    Dislikes - Not much home time, that's the worst thing about it.

    I like I 40 the best to CA. It's not the best roads but it's good running...

  5. did it for 10 years.............worst d**n job in the world

  6. the driving part is great,If you dont listen to all the c**p on the c.b. then the shippers that just have to have you there now to pick-up,they make you wait all day to get loaded,with no pay.Then they tell you that you have to go 700 miles by morning to get the load delivered,so you bust your *** with no sleep to make it there,Then when you get there they dont want to unload it and make you wait half the day for no pay just to get the stuff off your trailer thet they ordered.remember if the rubber aint rolling your not making a dime.ive driven 15 years over 1,000,000,000 miles driven. i wouldnt wish that job on anyone.

  7. The best thing about long-haul trucking is getting away from home for a while.  The worst thing about long-haul trucking is being away from home for too long.

    I really HATE Interstate 5 from LA to Seattle... Mainly because that's where I seem to spend most of my time.  I don't mind driving the mountains when the weather is good, but it's a real pain with snow or ice on the roads.

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