
Long first day at school?

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I just wanted out. I have about 2 interesting classes that I'm looking forward to, 2 classes I will probably enjoy, and the rest are just gonna be brutal. I'm trying to work really hard this year because it's my junior year....but after today, it's gonna be tough.

Anyone else's thoughts on their new school year?




  1. I'm a Junior too and there is some really tough classes and is probably the hardest year as a high school student.

  2. My day was goodish. Until the last two lessons when I had IT Dida, it was really stressing because of the teacher. He's a good teacher but how he explains the work was confusing. I missed my first lesson because the year 7's had to sort themselves out. And we have 2 VERY strict teachers now as well. :( Hope ur school days would be ok :)

  3. Sammeeee, I'm a junior and i really want to do well this year at school, my advice is, have someone to look up to, and every time you cant be bothered with homework, think of them, and what they achieved and just think how proud everyone will be when you get a's ;)

    Good luck

  4. wow you sound like me on my first day lol we started like two weeks ago but, yea I felt the same way and just finally got my act together.

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