
Long flights...Ideas please? worth 10 points?

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Im a 14 year old girl and Im traveling from Houston, Texas to San Juan, PR. Its a 6 hour non-stop flight and my plane leaves houston at 12:19 am. Im traveling by myself but this is my first time travleing alone. So Can you give me any Ideas so time can go by quickly otehr than sleeping. Yes i already have a iPod.




  1. i took a flight to japan watched movies on my laptop and ipod video.  load them before hand on the ipod of course.  once in a while you need to walk a bit but other than that just videos i would say.

  2. uhhhmmm first of all

    i wouldnt give out all that personal information...

    there are lots of predators on the internet.

    but annywayyys-

    if you have a portable game station of some sort


    nintendo ds


    etc... those are good

    or play with a rubix cube!


    i love those things.

  3. Hi there,

    They will play a movie...  And depending on the size of the aircraft they may have individual tv's for each seat, then you are able to flip though to watch what ever you want.

    6 hours isn't too long a flight...

    Books are good, you can take a laptop, nintendo etc. to play games during flight too.

    Have fun, it isn't so bad....  Don't worry it will go by pretty quick.

    I would think since its a red eye (middle of the night flight) most everyone will be sleeping....

  4. shoot u have an ipod alredii

    so um um um...

    take a magazine!!

    take nail polish or somin sleep..

    take a portable dvd player draw write love letters become a poet do something sweeeeeeeeeeety!@!!...

  5. IPOD IPOD IPOD. load it up all the way. bring some new and old magazines. laptop? if you have. silly gadgets. maybe a board game. ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT hopefully it wont get backed up lol!

  6. I totally get how your feeling! I'm moving to Paris in less than two weeks and its a 12 hour flight from Los Angeles (where I live currently) to Paris. Reading can be very amusing if you have the right book, you could get some cross-words or word searches, most air planes show movies and if you don't like the movies you could always bring a portable DVD player, and if you don't have one you can always download podcasts or episodes of your favorite TV shows off of iTunes, since you said you have an iPod.

    I hope that helps!!

  7. Reading. Bring along several different books (in case you get bored with one) and the time will whiz by. A couple of puzzle-type books and a pencil would be good too. Have a safe flight!

  8. Sounds fun, maybe you should try getting some games or crossword puzzles. Anything that requires time and patience, you could listen 2 your i pod but for 6 hours sounds kinda boring. Sine you can't use your cell phone i'd just go out and buy some little games that way you can play with them 4 a bit, and maybe watch a dvd ?

  9. a PSP or nintendo DS would be great to go along.  also depends what flight U R taking...there may or maynot be a personal tv screen at your seat.  Jet blue has that...and its awsome to flip thru the channels and watch personalized television.  Don't forget to bring your own headset!!! alot of carriers are getting rid of those disposable headsets....

    also pack one of your favorite magzines to browse through.  If you are into crossword puzzles etc that would be another great time killer.   HAVE A GREAT FLIGHT

  10. Reading, knitting, or other's cradle...I LOVE LONG PLANE RIDES!!

  11. "Brain games" are a good way of taking the boredom from the time spent in the air. They have soft covered books with cross word puzzles, Find the words and circle them games, and a game called "Sudoku." You will find that time passes by quickly, and before you know it, snacks will be served. Sometimes this is far better than playing music. Also, many flights have TV. Between TV, and the games, I think your flight will be a smooth and quick one. Enjoy your trip.

  12. get friends to write you plane letters


    -press the flight attendant button every 5 minutes asking for like gum, a pen, etc.......

    -watch the in flight movie!!

    -watch people

  13. I know flights are boring!

    but you can do a lot of things like -

    buy alot of magazines & read them

    bring a portable dvd player n watch movies

    bring extra snacks so that you can eat



    make a list of fun things u want to do in San Juan

    hope you have a great time!

    Hope this helps!!!! =)

  14. Be sure to bring along gum to prevent your ear from popping on the plane.

  15. yea try listening to your ipod and also you can read a book or if your ipod can hold movies on it download some and also you could draw lol

  16. I'm fourteen too!! I've taken lots of long flights (some up to ten or eleven hours, to Germany). They're really a bore, and I can NEVER go to sleep on an airplane. I usually bring along a carry-on bag with my iPod, a gameboy, some books, and suduko in case I get desperate (though that usually winds up giving me a headache after a while).

    Don't forget to take gum! Or your ears will HURT.

  17. Listen to your music, text, play a handheld video game if you have one, get a sudoku booklet. I used to think it was stupid before I tried it, but they're actually fun and time consuming.

  18. juss listen to ya i-pod

    read books or magazines

    watch dah movie dey showin on dah plane

    talk to dah ppl next to u

    im 13 n i luvvvv bein on planes n im juss like u i cnt sleep on planes

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