
Long haul flights in second trimester.?

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I will be 19 weeks pregnant on Sunday, and i'm flying out to New York on Saturday. I was wondering how often should I stretch my legs? I'm fully aware of possible swelling of ankles etc. but i'm wondering if, apart from walking around, there's anything else I can do to help? I'm slightly apprehensive about it, but it was all booked before I found out I was pregnant. I'd appreciate other mummies' experiences, I have googled it and spoken to my doctor but sometimes hearing personal experience of others is better. Thank you. x




  1. I am going to be flying at 19 weeks as well!  My flight is only three hours though, on one website I looked at they advise you to wear those flight stockings that help prevent deep vain thrombosis as there is a greater chance of getting it while pregnant, they also advise you to get up and move around as much as possible and to keep your legs and ankles moving by doing little exercises.  I wouldnt worry too much about it, you will be fine, loads of people fly at this stage of pregnancy!

  2. Walk every few hours or as often as u feel like.  Some recommend panty hose to help with possible swelling.

    Drink lots of fluids.

    The only thing I did was make sure I was hydrated...didn't do a bunch of walking...didn't swell, but everyone's different.

  3. Keep rotating your ankles when seated to start with, it saves you getting up all the time.  You can wear flight socks too which helps stop dvt.  I checked when i flew at 16 and 18 weeks and it seemed to have all the info i could have wanted.  My feet did swell but that was at least because i was on my feet in the airport for so long!

  4. Just drink a lot of water and pee frequently, and try to avoid anything too salty that day. Bring your own snacks if you have to, since airplane snacks are quite sodium filled. You can do little exercises like neck turns, ankle twists, wrists twists, just keep the circulation going.  

  5. I have only been in my 1st trimester to New York but I got up maybe every hour to stretch my legs, even when your sitting you can move your ankles in circular movements this helps, as long as you do this you should be ok!

    Have a nice time and make sure you go into the Abercrombie & Fitch store, the fella's that work in there OMG to die for, never seen fella's like them GORGEOUS

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