
Long jump!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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what are some exersizes to improve ur leg muscels for long jump. i wont to get 4 m by the end of sept and i my pb is 3.m




  1. Practice your approach, realize that 96% of the jump is the approach. Make sure your strides are consistent and you are running at the correct speed, you don't need to adjust your stride and can contact the board without looking down or chopping or elongating your last step.

    You can do plyometric exercises to increase your explosive muscular actions, remember that jumping is converting your horizontal speed into verticle speed.

    Improving your technique is going to improve your distance.

    Think about jumping a little at a time. No one can improve 1 meter, but you can improve small pieces of 1 meter.

  2. running?

  3. Hey!

    My pb is 3.58m, so I hope I can help you =]

    Try to run/jog/cycle to places where you need to go, (friends houses, school, shops)

    Just basic exercise really, and don't forget to warm up really well before doing anything =]

    Good luck, I'm gunna try and get my 4m too!!


  4. quadarat?

  5. i do long jump and i found that doing high knees helped to improve my distance

    i know that's a drill and not a stretch but it helped me a lot last season :)

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