
Long please Read whole thing.?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry I meant posted.




  1. yeah, move on, she's obviously over you, and continuing to be close to her will only hurt you more.

  2. Uhm I have no idea what you're saying, but all I gotta say is this is in the wrong section. It's not suppose to be in the P&S section. It should be in the Singles & Dating section. Anyways, seems like this girl is a flirter and can get any guy she wants. Don't get sucked into her evil web.

  3. I believe your entire life is up there, just around the corner, waiting for you.

  4. it's time to move on, dude, she wants her other ex back. find another girl. she's not being honest with you either.

  5. ya - she might think u r stalking her.

  6. move to the right section...this is not a poll question  

  7. Move on.... It would be better.You can find someone else. I believe in U!

  8. if she is hot then stay with her and if they stop talking when you go near there most likely talking about you so just talk to her about it and see wats up

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