
Long run, Is Cabrera an upgarde from Theriot and is Swisher, Guillen or Kelly an upgrade from Franceour?

by Guest67037  |  earlier

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If you look at the last months production, Orlando Cabrera has more runs, rbi. hr and one less sb than Theriot

Swisher, Guillen are on a tear and Kelly has better numbers than Franceour

Is this better in the long run for me?




  1. Cabrera is poor man's Jeter. He's really an underrated player. I'd definitely keep him over Theriot. Like you said, he scores more runs, hits more HR's and knocks in more runners. Not to mention, he has been heating up as of late. As for the other comparison, I like Guillen. He's bats clean up, albeit on a weak team. Still, he's a proven guy who'll hit .290 with 25+ HRs and knock in quite a few runners.

  2. Yes and No.

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