
Long story please read this and help me Problems with mom and sister from church?

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Hello please help me i cant ask my mom for advice because she doesn't understand

well hello my name is mireya and i am 15 years old about 1 month ago something happened

well i was going to participate at church for this activity that 3 girls where going to do i was ready and everything but the day before that the youth leader called me and said could you come at my house so we can practice for the activity but (i already knew the everything i was suppose to do for the activity but i still asked my mom and she said no sorry you cant go then i told her sister i am sorry i cant go for practice and she told me (well if you cant come i am sorry you cant participate on the activity) so i said okay but i started crying when i hung up the phone then my mom got anger with this sister and now kinda hates her i cant talk in the phone with her i cant say hi or my mom gets mad what should i do i feel like this isn't about me no more cuz i forgave the sister for doing this it seems like its more about mom now please give me some good advice




  1. she's upset for u and she's just mad that the lady would do that to u.. trust me when mothers feel that their kids are wronged they get really mad and might be madder (if thats a word) than the child. so give it some time it'll eventually die down

  2. Your mom's probably mad because she feels like the sister made your mom look like the bad guy for not letting you go.

    (I think your mom should have let you go, even if she went with you to supervise)

    How religious is your mom? Tell her that 'loving thy neighbor,' forgiveness, & acceptance are more important.

    Honestly, your mom would be happier if she moved on. Instead she's letting something in the past negatively affect her by making her feel angry.

    Tell her that forgiving the sister is really important to you, as well as your friendship with her.

    Say to mom, "I don't understand why you won't let me be friends with the sister. Can you explain it to me because I do want to understand. It would really mean a lot to me if you could forgive her, I think that's what's important to our church also. I don't want you to be mad, I want you to be happy."

    Talk to someone in your church to get advice. . .

  3. if shes just a random person let it go...listen to ur mom

    if shes been your goofd friend for a long time talk to your mom about it

    tell her your feelings and see if she'l understand

    if you ever need advice or have any questions view my website

    any questions, advice, anything...ive helped so many teens before and they all came back telling me i helped them...please let your friends know about my page too!


  4. Hi, Your 15 year old. You need to sit down with your Mom and explain to her how her behavior is making you feel.  I don't think your mom hates the sister.  Your Mom said you couldn't go.  Because of that, the  Sister did not allow you to participate in the activity (that you already knew) and this response hurt you and made you cry. I think your Mom  is upset with Sister because of how Sister responded to you not being able to attend. Obviously, Sister did not realize that your not being able to attend was through no fault of your own (and if she did, shame on her)  and yet you are the one being punished.  I think your Mom feels bad for you and I think her feelings are justified, but whether justified or not, it's always better for us to forgive.


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