seem to have developed a crush on a guy from work (lets call him Drew), and I am finding myself attracted to this OTHER guy from work (we'll call him Nathan)... however I am in a long term relationship, very happy, and I don't want to end it (I know, its really bad!). Lately I have been thinking about these guys a fair bit, especially "Drew", and I have having dreams about them, mostly where I am in close friendship type scenarios with "Drew" (eg, hanging out at work, driving in a car together, going to courses etc) and some where I am in a hurry to meet "Nathan" somewhere (eg, a holiday destination etc), but I am held up by things going wrong at work or running out of petrol or something and then being rescued by "Drew". These dreams are the most real and vivid dreams I have ever had.
I am confused and wondering if this means anything? Especially, I'm worried that I am going to want to cheat on my guy with either "Drew" or "Nathan". I have never cheated before, and I know its easy for people to say "If you don't want to cheat, then you don't cheat", but those people who say that don't feel what I am feeling.
Any advice or anything, is really appreciated.