
Long term effects of taking Pain medication such as Hydrocodone.?

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Is it bad on your body to take about 3 pain pills a day for the last 5 years??? what can happen??




  1. Not necessarily.

    I've been in pain management for lower back pain so I know a little about it.

    If your pain is managed well and you aren't ramping up your dose you shouldn't be causing a major problem.

    However most people myself included won't get relief from the same drug same dose for 5 years. Which lead to tolerance problems which lead to other problems.

    I assume you are getting the medicine from a doctor, so I assume they are watching you for symptoms of liver and kidney damage as tylenol can wreak havoc in some people.

    Prolonged opioid use can cause extreme constipation and even bowel atrophy.

    I finally realized I was getting less relief than benefit so I quit. I am still in pain but at least I can go to the bathroom again.

  2. Hydrocodone is an opiate. Therefore, you are looking at potential opiate effects - physical addiction, maybe constipation and others. Look up effects of opiate addiction.

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