
Longboarding around LA?

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I live in Long Beach (originally from San Diego), I have an 8'4" board, and I'm not very experienced. I'm searching for a longbarding spot and I'm not finding one. I've tried a few beaches south of here and it all seems like shortboard waves. I've heard the same about the beaches west of LA. I've heard San Onofre is where I wanna go, and Doheny used to be good before the pollution, but both are pretty far. Does anyone know of a good beach say north of San Onofre and south of Malibu that is good for a beginning longboarder? Or, maybe, is there a beach that deadens with the tide and might be good for me? Thanks!




  1. Pitus point or faria. It is part of the Ventura state beaches. Great for beginners. San Onofre is really good also. Ventura is a little far but like I said evryone is a beginner there. Hope this helps.

  2. Bolsa Chica is just south of long beach and pretty close and mellow

  3. Theres lots of great long board surf spots in

    L.A. Check out this website and you can pick for yourself which one is best for you, but as for a suggestion i would say stick with driving the distance and shread at San Onofre, my favorite long board spot in L.A.

    Heres the website:

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