
Longleat or west midlands safari?

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im thinking about goin to either longleat or west midlands 4 a day out but iv never been to niether of them before and i was wondering which place was better i got a 13 year old daughter and she gets bored easily.




  1. Hiya.

    Westmidlands Safari Park really is amazing.

    I haven't been to Longleat so I can't really say if it is good or not.

    But I went to West Midlands Safari Park when I was 15, and I used to get bored easily, but you just can't get bored at WMS, You can drive through and see the animals, and feed them aswell, a girraffe tried to come through my car window ! Thought it would never get its neck back up !

    The rides are really good aswell, your daughter will like them, because there is some for all ages ( fairly small ) and then there is higher rides, suitable for older kids, there is also great shops and good picnic areas.

    Have Fun where ever you go =)

  2. personally i'd say Longleat , they use it on Animal Park but you can find out more from the website

  3. Longleat.  Safari Park, Pets Corner, Minature Railway to Ride on, Maze to get lost in, House to explore.  There are several other attractions there as well that appeal to all ages.  The section I work in went there for an Office Day out in October and everyone enjoyed it - the youngest in the group was 18 and I was the oldest at 32.

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