
Look, i really need to know if anything is coming out of the supermassive black hole at center of galaxy??

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supposidly the size of the galaxy and the black hole at its center relate to each other.. thus didnt the mass of the galaxy come out of it? of was it the mass of the galaxy the determine the size of the hole? in any case some stars/stuff is going into the hole, yes? its being fed? what i really want to know is if anything is coming out of it? ive read in "the singularity is near" that particles (?) entering the black hole generate quantum particles that move away from it and that they are still connected quantumly. is this the case? is anything else coming out the hole? is it also true that our intier univerce is within another black hole? and that the ulitmate super computer would be a black hole? are we living in a black hole super computer? if we did come out of the black hole wouldent there then be a mirror univerce to our own within it? is glaxtic center the tunnel of light that people see apon death? does anyone know about the shamanic practice of entering galactic center? thanks




  1. Stephen Hawking theorized that what's come to be known as "Hawking Radiation" leaks out of black holes. When a pair of so-called virtual particles pop into existence they almost instantaneously self-annihilate. But if they form close enough to a black hole one particle of the pair could be snatched away before the self-annihilation happens, thus leaving behind a particle. To some observer this survivor particle would seem to have come out of the black hole and can be called radiation.

  2. Wow...a few things.

    The galaxy did not come from the black hole.  It is simply a matter that there is more "stuff" at the center of the galaxy as it formed.  When you get too much stuff together in one place a black hole forms.  Since the center of the galaxy has lots and lots of suns and gas and so on the black hole there has more to "feed" on than black holes elsewhere.

    The black hole at the center of our galaxy is generally inactive.  Most of the things it can grab on to and suck in it got a long time ago.  Most of the rest of the stars near it just orbit it (there is no problem orbiting a black is a mass like any other...if our sun magically turned into a black hole right now the earth would continue to orbit it just like it is now).  

    As for the quantum particles you are probably thinking of Hawking Radiation (thought up by professor Stephen Hawking hence the name).  To understand the theory you need to know that "empty" space is not that empty.  On a quantum level things are pretty busy.  Quantum theory states that virtual particles are being created all the time.  Thing is as they come into existence a particle and antiparticle are created and they cancel each other out almost immediately (so we do not notice it).  Sounds weird but it is a well entrenched aspect of Quantum Physics.

    Now, if these virtual particles are created at the edge of the event horizon of a black hole one particle may nudge just into the black hole.  Since nothing can escape from the black hole the other particle can zoom off and is now a real particle.  In this fashion a black hole may seem to radiate energy.  Interestingly this causes the black hole to essentially evaporate away but insanely slowly.

    That said the amount of energy created in this fashion is very, very low for a black hole and lower the bigger it is (an extremely tiny black in microscopic...would radiate noticeably).  

    As for a black hole being a super, hyper computer that is a bit hard to describe.  I think you are confusing the notion of the Omega Point (see link below) with this.  Essentially the Tiplerian Omega Point could be used as a sort of super computer in a Big Crunch scenario where we could simulate a universe and live in it essentially forever just in the final moments of a Universe collapsing.  Neat stuff to ponder but pretty far out there.

  3. I don't know where you got all that, but nothing comes out of a black hole except Hawking Radiation.  A black hole pulls in everything that gets within its Schwarzchild radius, and it becomes part of the singularity.  If our entire universe were within a black hole, we wouldn't be talking about it, we would be squashed by the intense gravity.

  4. That pretty much sums it up.

  5. For the present time it is not possible to answer forty different questions in one teeny little section of Yahoo. There are some fairly severe limitations to what can be done here.

    i can assure you that nothing except various forms of X Ray and Gamma Radiation come out of black holes.

    There is no linkage between any given black hole and any other entity in the Universe except possibly by way of lines of magnetism.

    There is no super computer within a black hole, or in any way connected to one of them. The black hole is by definition an intensely dense compaction of many materials at super hot temperatures which produces extremely intense radiation sufficient to incinerate "anything" within nanoseconds. Within this realm there is no possibility for a mirror universe or shamanic persipitude.  

    I recommend that you do more study on the subject of Black Holes before generating a long list of possibilities and conjectures. A good source of materials may be found in any public library under the subject of Astronomy. Ian Ridpath is a noted authority on the subject and you might want to check out several of his publications.

  6. I've heard that "hawking radiation" may leak from black holes (which aren't really holes at all, but a super dense, super hot, stellar remnant with super-extreme gravity) but aside from that, current thought is that nothing escapes a black hole's gravity.

  7. You have many questions, some of which can be answered by science.  Check out the link below.

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