
Look, no one has answered my questions =[ please!! love lasting forever?? help would be appreciated!! ?

by  |  earlier

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this is going to sound really dumb but as of today my bf and i have been together for 6 months we are 14 and are both each others first (bf/gf) we have talked alot about being toghether and getting married but do we need a realitly check or is it possible for us to stay together? help apprectated!!




  1. Sure it's possible, but you just never know what life will throw at you.  Six months may seem like a long time right now (and honestly at your age that is a long relationship) but, you really do have a lot of time ahead of you.  It's fun to fantasize about the future and think about being married, but don't make your mind up quite yet. ;)

    I dated a guy for 5 years and thought we would marry, but a few things changed, and I found the real love of my life a few months later.  I dated him for 3 1/2 years and then we married.  It's been almost 10 years now!  

    Take your time, enjoy being 14 and try not to grow up too fast.

  2. well i know a couple that got together in gr 8 and has been together ever since..ther like 40 now and have kids..

    so you never know!..But you are pretty young..things just keep being together and see how it goes thats all u can do really.

  3. It is possible just not probable. You are both very young and both first loves, so don't put all of your eggs in one basket. I can understand how you both feel but please give yourself time to grow up and mature before you make decisions that you may some day regret. First loves are great, but the second and third are too.

  4. jason is right anythin is possible but u just have to put alot of work into it!!! and u just have to b ready bc ppl do change over time so either u change wid them or u stay at ur own path!!!and if u guys r meant to be will find a way dont force it bc it will never work!!! lol...been there done that n regret it!!!:)  

  5. Anything's possible, but I would say hold off thoughts of marriage for now.  Its good that you've found someone you care for that much, but sometimes its easy to get carried away and make problems.  My advice is go slow and take each step as it comes - you're young, enjoy it!!!  (not meaning to sound patronising here so sorry if I do).  14 is too young (in my view) to think of marriage, so please, just enjoy life.  If you're each other's 'the one' then that's amazing but only time will tell.

    Hope this helps and good luck

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