
Look Please *PIC INCLUDED*?

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Does it look like ive dropped?

Im having all the symtoms but i want your opinion on my tummy please. Thank you.

30weeks BEFORE PIC





  1. nope, you look the same.

  2. not yet but verrrrry soon!

    Im very happy for you and your bump is so cutee!

    CONGRATS! and good luck!

  3. It doesn't look that you've dropped, but possibly that baby has changed position and is now head down!  YAY for you!  Only 7 weeks to go!  

  4. not to disappoint but no...i dont think will happen soon tho...=)

  5. No there isn't really a major difference between the pics in terms of it lowering. Sorry.

    Very cute bump though, I'm so jealous. I'm 32 weeks and just feel like my belly is fatter - not pregnant haha!

  6. it doesn't look like you've dropped quite yet.... your baby may be head down already.... but when the baby drops is when the baby's head is engaged in the pelvis.... you'll be able to tell..... usually you'll start waddleing ten times worse... lol.... and you'll feel a lil pressure... you might have to p**p more... and you'll more than likely have to go PEE ALOT MORE.... lol... congrats on the baby... and try to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy....

  7. sorry it looks the same to me...

  8. cute baby bump!! :) However, it doesnt look to me like you've dropped. You're lucky, you're almost there! :)

  9. Maybe a bit but nothing to worry about

  10. it looks a little lower

  11. not a lot but a little

  12. Cute tummy!

    To me, it doesn't look as if you have dropped...the baby just seems to have grown, as they usually do in there!  As they grow, you will feel increased pressure on your bladder and lower half.  You may feel as if the baby is dropping, but he/she might just be doing some growing and stretching.  

    Good luck to you!  

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