
Look at 3 months profits for Oil company You figure it out why gas is so HIGH?

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Husky Energy Q1 profit up 36 per cent to $887M - another record year ...




  1. What the news does NOT that to develop DOMESTIC oil reserves off shore, can take $1 BILLION Dollars for one well, then to develop it can take over 1/2 BILLION,

    No, I do not like the price of fuel, but per usual, the news papers and TV are NOT reporting the whole story.

    Don't believe all you see on TV!!

  2. thats just great it just keeps rising!

  3. If we all cut back on our unneccessary trips....make 1-2 less trips/day even, we could decrease the consumption, which in turn should drop the price......pass it on and let's try it....

  4. Good point. What did you think about that oil exec saying that supply and demand doesn't affect oil prices like it does for normal things?

    Oil companies are greedy and have too much power. They are robbing people like you and me and need to be toppled!

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