
Look at my personal Budget...any suggestions or thoughts?

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Be easy on me..I'm only 4 years out of college.

Okay: I take home after taxes, Ins, fully funded 410k, gym etc $5294 every 2 weeks or $10588 per Month. I did get a bonus at the end of last year around 14K and I except 14k-20K this year.

I have zero debt except for my house I bought 18 Months ago. My house is a 5 bdm, 4 bath with 2 acres. My payment is $2492 per Month (PITI). Gas, groceries, utilities, car insurance is $360-$505 (max). I save $2500 in long term savings, and $1500 in regular savings...I take out to buy a car etc...avoiding int charges. I have 128K in aval credit with zero being used, FICO's are Ex:794Eq788TU=801. I have been paying $1200 per Month extra on mortage (payoff/9/2016) I give $800 to charity. I am dating but don't paln on marriage anytime in near future.

ask any questions...and I'll answer you.

oh...I did 6.5% in investments last year

I work for GE Aircraft Div, system eng




  1. You're doing well--don't doubt your financial prowess.

  2. ur jut bragging.

  3. I agree

  4. I agree.

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