
Look at this!! What happened to this world of free speech we were supposed to lived in?

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Watch this video, that shows a student being tasered for asking why he got arrested, and still on the ground during a question asked to John Kerry!!!

Is this world getting mad or what?




  1. I saw it earlier and got my palms swaety, so disgusting. The guy didn't say anything weird or upsetting and Keery didn't even get a chnace to answer it. He didn't even seem upset.

    This is what seems to happen if you publically admit you are not pro- Bush. You would think we are in the old soviet union or China, where you only can say what is okay with yur goverment. No free speech at all.

  2. For every freedom there is a responsibility.

    In this case, it was to ask your question, then STFU and allow others to hear what John Kerry has to say.

  3. If freedom of speach were not still around then you wouldn't be typing this, would you?

    Oh yeah and it's a free country not a free world!

  4. the actions of the campus police was outrageous. his decision to continue talking is irrelevant. WHO gave the campus police the authority to usurp his right to free speech? his constitutional right to freedom of speech was CLEARLY violated!!

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    obviously he DIDN'T present a threat to Sen. Kerry's safety. because if you listen ---> you actually hear what Kerry says to the campus police before the takedown..

  5. I watched this on TV this morning and I was so choked up about the whole thing.  I am so angry and disgusted that this country has come to this point where people can no longer express even the most simple idea without being harassed or arrested.  The young man was unfairly suppressed and as far as I could tell, tortured by the police.

    It also bothered me that Kerry, who had the power to say a few words to reassure the police that the young man had the right to comment/ask a question, said absolutely nothing.  He was not being threatened in any way.  Why didn't he speak up?

    I hope all Americans realize that our rights are being rapidly taken away by the powers that be, while they continue to tell us that they are abroad fighting to instill democracy in those countries.  

    I feel so sorry for that young man but I also feel so helpless.  What is in our future?  If our youth cannot express honest thoughts or question ideology, than what will become of America?  Are we, in a strange way, heading toward communism/dictatorship, the very same thing that America has steadfastly fought all these years?  I share your frustration and disappointment.  So sad today.

  6. Nope. In Florida, that's normal.

  7. Campus cops are not  the most gifted members of law enforcement. They should have been able to escort him out without the use of force.

    The student has a history of making a nuisance of himself and then filming it for his website.

    The taser was not warranted and the cop needs dicipline for using it.

  8. I don't understand either.  There were like 5 cops on top of this guy.  Could they not get him in handcuffs and walk or drag him out?  The taser was really not necessary considering this guy was already pinned to the ground when they tasered him.  I can uderstand him going to jail for resisting, but not tasered.

  9. It's less a matter of free speech, and more about stupid campus security guards overreacting.  They could have easily removed this guy without a taser.  

    Since the clip is edited, you don't really see why the guy was being removed; it looks as if he became abusive, went over time, was asked to stop, was asked to leave, and then had to be removed forcibly.  But I'm just guessing.

  10. First I want to personally thank you for this question!

    This young mans rights were severely abused and he has grounds for a major law suit! If only a couple of the sheeple would have stood up with him this would not have happened! What happened to the feeling of "I may not agree with you but I will defend to the death your right to say it"? This country is getting what it deserves with this kind of **** not being protested.

    Next be real surprised when the illegal alien flood happens as congress passes the blanket amnesty bill in the next couple of days! Expect riots! Expect martial law!

    If I sound angry and disgusted, I am! When is enough, enough? We better start standing up to the tyranny now or we will be facing guns later.

  11. Ok, I watched the video earlier.  Unfortunately it does not show his actions leading up to whatever the two officers considered grounds for removal.

    Why was he arrested?  I would say assault on a law enforcement official.  Whether anything they did prior to that was justified or not, as soon as he swung his arms in a threatening manner (attempting to break their hold on him), he broke the law.

    From there, his case goes down hill.  He continued to act the fool, yelling, screaming and doing everything he could to resist the lawful orders of law enforcement officials.  

    Even on the ground, he continued to resist and they decided that to keep from being injured by him and in order to get the handcuffs on, they had to tase him.

    In short, he's a JA.  He's a drama queen.  He resisted arrest.  How do you 'cry for help' when you're the one causing the problem with the police?  Who do you think is going to come to your aid?  And I hope he's not polluting the gene pool.  Nope, he gets zero sympathy from me.

  12. I have no idea why this happened to the poor guy.  His civil liberties were for sure violated.  He asked an honest questions. He was not hostile and why were there so many cops on top of him.  He did not have a weapon, or expressed any violent thoughts.  What is becoming of America.  I thought we had freedom of speech.  I hope this guy gets a good attorney.  These are some very scary times for the United States.  This could happen to you or me.  All it takes is one hot dog cop.  I am appalled.

  13. (Ok, so first of all I never liked Kerry...) That is just WRONG!!! Those cops should get fired or put in jail themselves!!! The poor guy had a right to speak his mind! There is no law that said he couldn't say what he wanted to, and it's not leagle for them to take him away without telling him the charges! That just makes me angry as can be! People are idiots these days!!!!! -end rant-

  14. The biggest problem with this case is that there were 4 or 5 cops holding down 1 guy (successfully) and they still felt the need to use a taser.... that's abuse.

    If the campus is really concerned about security - they need to get rid of whoever the "loose cannon" is that decided to use the taser.... it was a historically bad move and lent credence to whatever point the little nut was trying to make.

    As a democrat, I'd like to see how Kerry plans on spinning this to keep himself in the loop... I never really liked him... his wife is cool though... she would have been like a more fierce Jackie O...

    Anyway - yeah... I have a BIG problem with this guy getting tasered... I would expect that at a Bushie convention but not from a Democrat.

    Kerry had better come to this little jerk's defense if he knows what's good for him.

  15. yes look at the report and see him act like a jackass, refuse to obey the police, resist arrest and get off easy by being tasered.  Are you really supporting this turdlet?  Shame on him and shame on you.

  16. Not sure how much was edited out, but they sure skipped a bunch of time? At a certain point you just have to stop resisting, had he done that he most likely would have just been made to leave. If you keep fighting a group of cops something bad will happen.

  17. Just an example of what's to come if a democrap gets elected.

  18. it seems like we are ok as long as we stick to the agendas of the higher powers.....step out side their box and pay the price!

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