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Can I get calves like these in 4 months!?

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  1. What type do you have now?

    A picture might help haha.

    If you work at it, I think you could.

    Do calf raises, walk on your tippy toes, jump, stand on a stair and let your heels dangle, then push up rapidly.

    All those things will definitely help.

    Good luck, hope I helped.

  2. She is very small and i do not see any calves.To get calf muscles do standing calve raise and sitting calve raise do about 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps each,work on calves 2-3 times/week.

  3. actuall yhe person who worte do calf raises on the step, your actually arching your foot and promoting injury, you must do them with no shoes on to promote toned good calves. For example I do 75 reps of 3 sets, yes that is alot but I am a man so I can attain more from my workout. Also try to jumprope alot it will thin them out and build them up at the same time. Don't forget to do stretches as well to maximize the tone of the muscle.

  4. You need to eat protein to gain muscle mass

  5. Well my dear you've picked one of the hardest muscles to increase size in. But in four months you could make a difference. It's hard because your calves are working hard all day...maybe up to the 17 hrs you're on your feet. In order for any muscle to grow it must be pushed beyond what it's used to doing on a daily bases. weighted calve raises will help, but not much weight, Lunges and squats and if you have a calve machine at the local gym it will target several muscles of the lower leg.

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