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Reverse racism is out there folks..I cannot believe how many thumbs down people who did not care about race received. This shows that it really is out there, but not in the form that we mostly expect.;_ylt=ArEYAxgGajNxOMVctf2sqLrsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080806160443AAaSOOT&show=7#profile-info-6KxveoUzaa




  1. yeah that's ridiculous... but the important part is that their are people like us out there as well who understand that people are people, no matter what we look like due to nationality & race.  

  2. your right it is all around us and it si sad . who ever gave those thumbs down , i wonder how they would feel if they were those kids that are witing to be adopted by a loving . chances are they would have a different perspetive .  

  3. thats very upsetting but people are like that

  4. All those thumbs down and few wanting to openly say anything against it.  They know they get to hide behind a veil of anonymity so they can show their true feelings.  Racism is wrong, no matter what form it comes in.  Shame on those people.

  5. That's so sad.

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