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hello on

the top website were can be viewed as a pdf or html i need help thinking off some thing's to put on it and also i already no a bit about the leeds train station because that's were i work right now as an iss cleaner but i would like to work no other place then leeds train station as a train dispatcher some off the national express east coast platform staff have said you should

try to get a better job then this the only problem is i need some help of thinking of things to put on the application form so if any 1 can help me please do and also have a look at whats on the application form by the website i provided

Thank You




  1. No.  You've asked the same bloody question umpteen times.  If you can't fill out an application form, then you don't really deserve the job, do you?

    Also, all of your answers on this site consist of "sorry, don't know mate".  A fat lot of help that is.

  2. Better if you actually put a proper link for this question.

  3. mate are you still doing this application form, at this rate you will be in ya nursing home, don't waste time asking questions on here, get that application form filled in if you need help why not ask the national Express staff after all we work for the company and have a fair idea what may need to go on the form

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