
Look for persian literary agent or publisher?

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hey everyone

i am trying to publish a fiction novel i have written

it's in my first language (persian)

before i spend a fortune on it to translate it i would first like to have it appraised by a a persian agent or publisher in its original language

any advice or assistance or even references would be much appreciated

thanks a lot :)




  1. The way to find agents in other parts of the world isn't too dissimilar to finding them in the US or the UK. I'm assuming that there are indeed Persian-language-market literary agents selling books to publishers.

    Visit a large bookstore with Persian-language stock. Find the section with books in the same genre as yours. Get titles, and authors' and publishers' names. Be prepared for this to take quite a while.

    Back home again, search each author's name in quotation marks, plus the word 'agent.' Simple technique, but it works about half the time. Find author web pages, or individual novels' sites, and use 'Contact me' to inquire about the agent who sold this book.

    Find both agent and publisher websites. Read submission guidelines carefully. Note the titles the agent has sold, the new books the publisher has out. Is yours similar, a decent fit? If so, contact them with a one-page query letter.

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