
Look i'm missing #65 and #102. i need someone to tell where to find these pokemon so i can get milotic. plz te

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please help me someone




  1. In the shinnoh region pokedex? Or in the national.

  2. number 65 is alakazam and 102 is exeggcute. maybe if you have fire red or leaf green you can migrate to d/p

  3. 65 : Alakazam

    #102: Eggsecute

    To get alakazam, you trade your kadabra and eggecute, you can get in the safari zone in fire red/ leaf green.

  4. 65 Drifloon (You can find one waiting outside the Valley Windworks on Fridays, Just reset your DS Time to a Friday and go to the Valley Windworks, I know this sounds weird but its true.)

    #102 Chatot (You can find him down Route 222, but it has to be Morning or early afternoon, again i recommend changing the DS time)

    And if you want a Milotic, you can get Feebas from mount Corenet althought they are Exetremely rare.

    Hope I helped!!

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