
Look i suck at fights da only one i won is when i pussed somee down give me some tips o and i am ren?

by  |  earlier

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  1. well my advice to you is to give it up.take up ice skating or volleyball.

  2. I don't recommend fighting and would urge you to resolve your problems in another way, but if forced into a fight then simply do what you have to do to win..

    If your opponent cannot see, breathe or stand, he cannot beat you.  Hence eyes, nose, throat, and low knee.  Also learn to throw straight punches, not roundhouse.  Many amateur fighters only throw roundhouse shots, if you throw straight down the middle, you will win.

    Again I urge you to find other solutions, cause to be honest, The person with the smarter brain and strategy will always win in the end at any other competition in life.

  3. Dont Push, Punch.

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