
Look up from where you are. What do you see?

by  |  earlier

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I see 8 spotlights and a dusty fan on top of the office shelf




  1. Fire 'n' Brimstone!

  2. cat laying on top of the bookcase on my desk.

  3. I see opportunity and the chance to to begin again.  I was dozing and day-dreaming when my "You've got mail" chime roused me from my mid-afternoon musings.  In my dreams I was looking out over a vast tract of S.E. Alaskan Forest land.  The land stretched up from smooth rocky beaches, thru lush almost tropical sea line growth of ferns, skunk cabbage, and massive cedars upwards into groves of salmon berries, thickets of blackberries, thorn bushes, aspens, popple, and areas of spongy muskeg.

    Further up I see alpine meadows full of flowers and little red & Black Sitka Deer.  Snow lingers year round on the peaks above, as Eagles pin wheel and ride the thermals high above like surfers on an endless wave.  Tarmegons drum their mating calls, and the etherial call of the loon is eireily comforting.  

    Alaska calls to me again, to log her tall forests, to fish her dangerous waters, to hunt her record breaking game, to pan and mine her gold, and to face her wild natural beauty and survive.  I've done so in the past aloneand with my wife & 6 daughters, and now with the children gone, I yearn to return with Mary, and live in a subsistance cabin for a year or two.  Of course that's not possible given my health and broken body, but in my dreams. . . .

  4. I could tell you but that would go against OPSEC

  5. Mr microsoft.

  6. two floors of people who outrank me and judge my work

  7. i see my office ceiling.

  8. i see blue sky, trees & fields - i'm a very lucky woman! auntie di. x

  9. Poopsy you need a new job.One that is more exciting.Only a few months till you get to leave.Oh to answer your question sweetie,I see Pecan trees and lots of doves eating them.I also see blue skies and a cat waiting to catch his meal.

  10. I see a church being built outside my window.  Pretty cool!

  11. I can see my ceiling

  12. The ceiling with a dirty great black spot where a shoe pole use to be.

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